Heron Pond has finished off their carrots (none at the market) but chard, kale and other greens are starting to come in really well.
What's even better though... The winter farmer's markets have been every 2 weeks and we've barely kept up with carrots and other tasty treats. Previously, there's always been a couple of weeks where we've had to go to Shaws or something, but, the Portsmouth farmer's market is opening May 7. That's awesome, hopefully all the fab-o farmers with amazing greens keep showing up.
This week I picked up an amazing looking bunch of chard, 2 bunches of carrots, some eggs, and a scone.
We're thinking of starting the K8 & Tim CSA--which means that we looked at the Dairy CSA from Brookford farm and it works out to $10/week in dairy goods. Similarly, their pork CSA works out to $8.33/lb for pork. We were considering doing each, but, if we allocate a similar amount of money and just buy what we want in local dairy and pork we'd probably get even more value (thinking of 'we like it'/cost as our measure of value).
Food is awesome, local food is better. Spring is coming, better eat all the jam that's left from last year!
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